
ordered map data structure with lock-free reads

Critnib is a data structure that provides a very fast equal and less-than/greater-than searches; it is a mix between DJBerstein's critbit and radix trees. While in bad cases it has worse memory use than binary trees, it works well on real-life data which tends to have a limited number of "decision bits": * fully random: divergence happens immediately * malloc addresses: clumps of distinct bits in the middle * sequences: only lowest bits are filled


Erase the LUKS keys with a special password on the unlock prompt

Installing this package lets you configure a special "nuke password" that can be used to destroy the encryption keys required to unlock the encrypted partitions. This password can be entered in the usual early-boot prompt asking the passphrase to unlock the encrypted partition(s).


Chatting LLM with Debian-Specific Knowledge

Large language models (LLMs) are newly emerged tools, which are capable of handling tasks that traditional software could never achieve, such as writing code based on the specification provided by the user. In this tool, we attempt to experiment and explore the possibility of leveraging LLMs to aid Debian development, in any extent.


Guitarix - GTK+ library

Guitarix is a rock guitar amplifier for the JACK Audio Connection Kit with one input and two outputs. It is designed to produce nice thrash/metal/rock/blues guitar sounds.


Sends notifications via one or more channels (email, SMS, ...)

The Notifier Symfony component sends notifications via one or more channels (email, SMS, ...).


Provides Novu integration for Symfony Notifier

The Provides Novu integration for Symfony Notifier provides Novu integration for Symfony Notifier.