
Lomiri Notifications - QML module

Lomiri's implementation of a Free Desktop Notification server. It also provides some additional features as needed on alternative platforms, such as mobile.


System Settings application for Lomiri - plug-in library

Lomiri-system-settings is the System Settings application used in Lomiri operating environment. it's designed for phones, tablets and convergent devices.


System Settings application for Lomiri - private library

Lomiri-system-settings is the System Settings application used in Lomiri operating environment. it's designed for phones, tablets and convergent devices.


thin wrapper for clang

Opencl-clang is a thin wrapper library around clang. It has an OpenCL-oriented API and is capable of compiling OpenCL C kernels to SPIR-V modules.


GNUstep GUI Backend (art)

It is a backend component for the GNUstep GUI Library. The implementation of the GNUstep GUI Library is designed in two parts. The first part is the front-end component which is independent of platform and display system. This front-end is combined with a back-end component which handles all of the display system dependent such as specific calls to the X Window System.


Direct linear systems solver (64 bit) - parallel shared libraries

MUMPS implements a direct solver for large sparse linear systems, with a particular focus on symmetric positive definite matrices. It can operate on distributed matrices e.g. over a cluster. It has Fortran and C interfaces, and can interface with ordering tools such as Scotch.