
Foreign function interface to PROJ coordinate transformation software

Geo::LibProj::FFI is a foreign function interface to the PROJ coordinate transformation / projection library. Please see the PROJ library's C function reference for further documentation.
Font focused on legibility and readability (OTF)


Font focused on legibility and readability (OTF)

Atkinson Hyperlegible is a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension. It supports Latin scripts, and covers accent characters for 27 languages.


PostgreSQL similarity functions extension

pg_similarity is an extension to support similarity queries on PostgreSQL. The extension consists of:


Coq library for real analysis

This package provides a formalization of real analysis compatible with the Coq standard library.


atomic data types, operations, and memory ordering constraints

This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.


D-Bus service for out of process thumbnailing

Lomiri Thumbnailer is an API for the Lomiri operating environment to create and cache image thumbnails for local and remote media.