
Qt snapd library

snapd-glib is a library to allow GLib based applications access to snapd, the daemon that controls Snaps.


Open VMware Tools for VMs hosted on VMware (Service Discovery Plugin)

The Open Virtual Machine Tools (open-vm-tools) project is an open source implementation of VMware Tools. It is a suite of virtualization utilities and drivers to improve the functionality, user experience and administration of VMware virtual machines.


Django based context manager for PostgreSQL advisory locks (Python3 version)

django-pglocks is a context manager for Django. Advisory locks are application-level locks that are acquired and released purely by the client of the database; PostgreSQL never acquires them on its own. They are very useful as a way of signalling to other sessions that a higher-level resource than a single row is in use, without having to lock an entire table or some other structure.


wolfSSL encryption library

wolfSSL is a small, portable, embedded SSL/TLS programming library targeted for use by embedded systems developers. It was formerly known as CyaSSL.


conversions to various time units for OCaml (runtime)

A duration is represented in nanoseconds as an unsigned 64 bit integer. This has a range of up to 584 years. Functions provided check the input and raise on negative or out of bound input.


Firmware update daemon plugin library

fwupd is a daemon to allow session software to update device firmware. You can either use a GUI software manager like GNOME Software to view and apply updates, the command-line tool or the system D-Bus interface directly. Firmware updates are supported for a variety of technologies. See <> for details