
Fine tuned derived font for Korean-Latin mixed body text

Pretendard is a derived font family from three different fonts; Noto Sans CJK, Inter and M PLUS 1P. The widths of characters and distances between characters are fine tuned for good looking body text, when it's written in multiple scripts of Korean Hangul and Latin alphabets.


Open Reflectometry Standards Organization support library

orsopy is a Python library that implements ORSO functionality, which currently includes the reduced data file format. The orsopy package is used by a range of data reduction and analysis packages for the writing and reading of reduced reflectometry data.


Qt 6 Charts QML module

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack

This extension provide API for communicating with MessagePack serialization.


GNU R management of survey data and presentation of analysis results

An infrastructure for the management of survey data including value labels, definable missing values, recoding of variables, production of code books, and import of (subsets of) 'SPSS' and 'Stata' files is provided. Further, the package allows to produce tables and data frames of arbitrary descriptive statistics and (almost) publication-ready tables of regression model estimates, which can be exported to 'LaTeX' and HTML.


Nanopore analysis of differential RNA modifications

RNA is transcribed from DNA, possibly spliced and exported to the cytoplasm - fine - but its bases can also be modified, edited, and not all such modifications are visible by Sanger sequencing methods and its derivatives.