
NETCONF protocol library [C library]

NETCONF library in C intended for building NETCONF clients and servers. NETCONF is the NETwork CONFiguration protocol introduced by IETF.


GNU R designs of computer experiments

This GNU R package provides Space-Filling Designs and space-filling criteria (distance-based and uniformity-based), with emphasis to computer experiments; <doi:10.18637/jss.v065.i11>.


Rate limited wrapper for Python 3's thread safe queues

This package extends the three built-in Python queues from the queue module - Queue, LifoQueue, and PriorityQueue - with configurable, rate limited counterparts. Specifically, the get() method is rate limited across all threads so that workers can safely consume from the queue in an unlimited loop, and putting the items in the queue doesn’t need to require blocking the main thread.


SAGA GIS shared libraries

SAGA GIS (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) is a geographic information system used for editing and analysing spatial data.
minimalistic but powerful vim-like hex editor


minimalistic but powerful vim-like hex editor

A minimalistic (< 2300 lines of C) vim-like hex editor. It can display ASCII with colors, insert/replace/delete, copy/paste, undo/redo, and search.


Pure Wayland shell for mobile devices - binding shared library

Phosh is a graphical shell for Wayland compositors speaking the layer-surface protocol and aimed at mobile devices like smart phones and tablets using touch based inputs and small screens.