Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library - runtime files
libpgf is a library implementing an interface for handling
PGF (Progressive Graphic File) format files.
MIFARE card manipulations library
The libfreefare project aims to provide a convenient API for MIFARE
card manipulations.
Node.js module to shallow compare
shallowequal is like lodash's isEqualWith() but for shallow (strict) equal.
It performs a shallow equality comparison between two values to determine
if they are equivalent.
report whether PostgreSQL node is master or standby
bgw_replstatus is a tiny PostgreSQL background worker to cheaply report the
replication status of a node. It's intended to be polled by a load balancer
such as haproxy.
low-level communication library for ISI modems
libgisi is a low level library for communicating with
ISI devices, such as the modem found in some Nokia devices.
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python (Shared Objects)
PyTorch is a Python package that provides two high-level features: