
OpenStack cloud selector parses credentials from clouds.yaml

This package provides a parser for the ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml and makes it possible to select one of the, by exporting the OS_CLOUD environment variable. When using "oscs set" without any argument, oscs displays a nice fzf ncurse dialogue where uses can select what cloud to use with the arrow keys.


OpenStack Acceleration as a Service - conductor

Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. It provides a REST API for basic accelerator life cycle management, and has a generic driver for common accelerator support.


Introspection data for GnomeDesktop (GTK 4)

The gnome-desktop set of libraries provides various utility functions that are used in multiple components of the GNOME desktop, but do not have a sufficiently stable API to be included in core libraries such as GLib and GTK.


OpenStack Acceleration as a Service - Python library

Cyborg provides a general management framework for accelerators such as FPGA, GPU, SoCs, NVMe SSDs, CCIX caches, DPDK/SPDK, pmem and so forth. It provides a REST API for basic accelerator life cycle management, and has a generic driver for common accelerator support.


compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance

This is a general purpose allocator with excellent performance characteristics. Initially developed by Daan Leijen for the run-time systems of the Koka and Lean languages.


mplementation of the Futhark data format; profiling libraries

The Futhark compiler and its tools uses a simple external data representation to encode arrays and scalars. This package implements both a Haskell-level representation of these values, as well as utility functions for reading and writing values in both the textual and binary format.