
Represent a ring as a substructure of a molecule

Chemistry::Ring provides some basic methods for representing a ring. A ring is a subclass of molecule, because it has atoms and bonds. Besides that, it has some useful geometric methods for finding the centroid and the ring plane, and methods for aromaticity detection.


Email message manipulation for PHP

Mailparse is an extension for parsing and working with email messages.


Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library

Gmagick is a php extension to create, modify and obtain meta information of images using the GraphicsMagick API.


PHP wrapper to libgearman

This extension uses libgearman library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, and writing clients and workers.


visual servoing platform vs library

This package contains the ViSP (Visual Servoing Platform) visual serving (vs) runtime library.


MDL molfile/SDF (V2000) reader/writer

Chemistry::File::MDLMol automatically registers the 'sdf' format with Chemistry::Mol.