
Strife engine closely-compatible with Vanilla Strife

Chocolate Doom aims to accurately reproduce the original DOS version of Doom and other games based on the Doom engine in a form that can be run on modern computers. Unlike most modern Doom engines, Chocolate Doom is not derived from the Boom source port and does not inherit its features (or bugs).


kde-games-core QtDeclarative QML support


Libretro wrapper for Genesis Plus GX

This wrapper makes Genesis Plus GX API compatible with libretro, thus allowing its use with libretro frontends, such as RetroArch.


Reimplementation of the classic "purity" game in Python

A program which reads yes/no questions from a specially formated file and administers a quiz with them, printing out then number/percent of yes's at the end.


Debian's toy games

This metapackage will install a collection of desktop toys and console programs that often modify the appearance of your computer and text in a humorous way.
Asteroids game with powerups and color graphics


Asteroids game with powerups and color graphics