Markdown extension resources for MkDocs for Material
This package is an extension pack for Python Markdown.
weblog manager - twentytwentytwo theme files
WordPress is a full featured web blogging tool:
* Instant publishing (no rebuilding)
* Comment pingback support with spam protection
* Non-crufty URLs
* Themable
* Plugin support
This package contains WordPress twentytwentytwo theme files
NOTE: This theme requires access to public CDNs for use of
some font or CSS files.
Emacs major mode for kotlin
This package contains an Emacs major mode for Kotlin, including a REPL.
Emacs major mode for editing Inform 6 source
‘inform-mode’ is an Emacs major mode for editing source code in the
Inform 6 programming language.
Simple terminal emulator based on Kernel Mode Setting
kmscon is a system console for Linux. It does not depend on any
graphics-server on your system (like, but instead provides
a raw console layer that can be used independently.
It can replace the Linux kernel console entirely but was designed to
work well side-by-side, too.
Even though initially targeted at providing internationalization to
the system-console, it has grown into a fully modularized console
layer including features like multi-head support, internationalized
font rendering, XKB-compatible keyboard handling,
hardware-accelerated graphics access and more.