
Qt5 port of the Scintilla source code editing widget

QScintilla is a text editor for Qt5 with features especially useful when writing and debugging source code. These include support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion, call tips and margins.


Bridge from UFOs to fonttools objects

python3-ufo2ft converts fonts from UFO, a common font source format, to fonttools Python objects, which can subsequently saved as OTF or TTF binaries.


jIconFont - Font Awesome

jIconFont is an API to provide icons generated from any IconFont. These icons can be used in Java GUI toolkits, such as Swing and JavaFX.


open source coding font with bitmap-like sharpness (loose tracking)

Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 12px/9pt even on low res display.


Minify font declarations with PostCSS


Chinese TrueType font, PNG 24x24 pixmaps

The CNS 11643 character set (Chinese National Standard 11643), also officially known as the "Chinese Standard Interchange Code", is officially the standard character set of the Republic of China.