simple ball dodging game
In Kollision you use mouse to control a small blue ball in a closed space
environment filled with small red balls, which move about chaotically.
Your goal is to avoid touching any of those red balls with your blue one,
because the moment you do the game will be over. The longer you can stay in
game the higher will your score be.
Full-screen game browser for FS-UAE
FS-UAE is a cross-platform Amiga emulator based on updated emulation code
from WinUAE. FS-UAE uses SDL for input, OpenAL for audio and OpenGL
for graphics.
Extended client for Evol Online and The Mana World
ManaPlus is an extended client for Evol Online, The Mana World, and similar
servers based on a fork of eAthena. Evol Online is a 2D fantasy-style game
which aims to create a friendly environment for interacting with others where
people can escape reality and enjoy themselves. The Mana World (TMW) is a
serious effort to create an innovative free and open source MMORPG.
TMW uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large and diverse interactive world.
clone of the strategy board game Blokus
Pentobi is a strategy board game played on a square grid board using playing
pieces in the shapes of polyominoes, similar to Tetris pieces. The aim of the
game is to place all of your pieces while trying to block your opponent from
placing all of theirs.
Rogue-like game with an infinite dungeon, also known as umoria
A single player roguelike game with a regenerating dungeon, moria is the
predecessor of angband with a full-screen, text-based, turn-based
interface. It features scrolling maps, and an infinite (constantly
regenerated) dungeon.
Program a robot to explore a world
GNU Robots is a game/diversion where you construct a program for a
little robot, then watch him explore a world. The world is filled with
baddies that can hurt you, objects that you can bump into, and food
that you can eat. The goal of the game is to collect as many prizes as
possible before you are killed by a baddie or you run out of energy.