
MMCedar - combined Motoya L Cedar and M+fonts

MMCedar and MMCedar-P fonts are composed of Motoya L Cedar and M+ fonts.


Japanese TrueType font for 2ch ASCII art

These fonts are suitable for some ASCII arts like mona, gikoneko and so on. This package provides TrueType font.


Arabic script font designed for use by languages in West Africa

Harmattan, named after the trade winds that blow during the dry season in West Africa, is designed in a Warsh style to suit the needs of languages using the Arabic script in West Africa.


TeX Live: Greek

Support for Greek.


PHP class for generating PDF files on-the-fly

TCPDF is a library to generate PDF files that does not require external extensions. It also includes a class to extract data from existing PDF documents and classes to generate 1D and 2D barcodes in various formats.


TeX font package (full version) with CM (EC) in Type1 in T1, T2*, TS1, X2 enc

This package ships the full set of cm-super fonts, for a minimal variant install cm-super-minimal.