Lightweight Qt terminal emulator


Lightweight Qt terminal emulator

QTerminal is a lightweight terminal emulator based on QTermWidget.
open source remake of the old Colonization


open source remake of the old Colonization

freecol is a game in the spirit of Civilization but taking place in a colonial background. Colonize the new world, build towns, trade or fight with natives and other European civilizations, trade with your homeland until you're ready to fight for your independence !
2D car racing action game


2D car racing action game

Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements from traditional race and action games. Lots of available extras enable features such as shooting, mines, barrels and many others.
old-school first person shooter game


old-school first person shooter game

Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up.
available livestreams


view streams from German public television stations

This application searches for various media center video content of the German television program (ARD, ZDF, Arte, 3Sat, MDR, ORF, SRF and many more). You can watch, download and even subscribe to an offered show.
Dynamic mathematics software for education


Dynamic mathematics software for education

GeoGebra is a dynamic geometry program. You can do constructions with points, vectors, segments, lines, conic sections as well as functions and change them dynamically afterwards. On the other hand, equations and coordinates can be entered directly.