Regular and italic serif font


Regular and italic serif font

A font similar to the Deepdene font.


classic ATF Typo Script revival font

Math typesetting requires an ornate capital script font for symbols such as script-H (Hilbert space), script-P (powerset), and so on. The most commonly used such font in TeX is rsfs (Ralph Smith's Formal Script), which is based on the classic ATF Typo Script. Many of the ATF script fonts have been professionally digitized, but not this one.


Japanese Gothic and Mincho font from "Misaki" bitmap font

Originally, Misaki font was created as Japanese 8x8 bitmap font for small computer PC-E500, so it was small, beautiful and easily readable font. And now, it is converted to TrueType font.


Unicode font for Yi (a script used in southwestern China)

The Nuosu SIL font was originally named SIL Yi and developed in 2000 as a single Unicode font for the standardized Yi script used by a large ethnic group in southwestern China.


TeX Live: Games typesetting

Setups for typesetting various games, including chess.
convert a C file to ps, view the result, a2ps help


GNU a2ps - 'Anything to PostScript' converter and pretty-printer

GNU a2ps converts files into PostScript for printing or viewing. It uses a nice default format, usually two pages on each physical page, borders surrounding pages, headers with useful information (page number, printing date, file name or supplied header), line numbering, symbol substitution as well as pretty printing for a wide range of programming languages.