Castle Game Engine - 3D game engine for FreePascal / Lazarus
Castle Game Engine is a set of LGPL licenced libraries that are intended to
ease developing 3D games with FreePascal / Lazarus.
reversed xclock
If clocks had been invented in Argentina (southern hemisphere), they
would run counter-clockwise. Down there a sundial runs the other way
Font rendering engine for Complex Scripts -- library
Graphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts" capable
of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such as:
contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs, bidirectionality,
stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
TeX Live: Other European languages
Support for a number of European languages; others (Greek, German,
French, ...) have their own collections, depending simply on the size of the
SDL bindings for games development (Python 3)
A multimedia development kit for Python. Pygame provides modules for you
to access the video display, play sounds, track time, read the mouse and
joystick, control the CD player, render true type fonts and more. It does
this using mainly the cross-platform SDL library, a lightweight wrapper
to OS-specific APIs.
Standard installation of pcb-rnd
pcb-rnd is a highly modular PCB (Printed Circuit Board) layout tool
with a rich set of plugins for communicating with various external
design tools and other EDA/CAD packages.