roguelike mecha role playing game in space
Set a century and a half after nuclear war, you can explore a world
where various factions compete to determine the future of the human
race. Major features include random plot generation, a detailed
character system, and over two hundred customizable mecha designs.
Game browser and launcher for GNOME
GNOME Games lets you browse your video games library and easily pick
and play a game from it.
third person shooter in pseudo-3D
Space Aryarya is a third person shoot'em-up similar to classic arcade games
such as Afterburner or Star Fox, where you control a jetpack-carrying fighter
and need to destroy all baddies.
game where the player builds one castle and destroys others
A clone of the old DOS game Rampart. Up to four players (or
more in future versions) build castle walls, place cannons
inside these walls, and shoot at the walls of their enemy(s). If
a player can't complete a wall around any castle, the player loses.
The last surviving player wins.
Escape from Pong NES game
Escape from Pong is a very small NES game which introduces the concept
of playing Pong from the ball's point of view. Your mission is to escape
from 13 difficult levels, despite the paddle trying to beat you at
every turn.
Mr Rescue is an arcade 2d action game
Mr. Rescue is an arcade styled 2d action game centered around evacuating
civilians from burning buildings. The game features fast paced fire
extinguishing action, intense boss battles, a catchy soundtrack and lots of
throwing people around in pseudo-randomly generated buildings.