graphical user interface for compressible flow gas table modules
Gas Tables include modules for compressible gas flow
calculations. The main modules currently included are:
- Isentropic Relations
- Normal Shock Relations
- Oblique Shock Relations
- Fanno Flow
- Isothermal Flow
- Rayleigh Flow
- Prandtl Meyer Functions
Web 2.0 Photo Gallery Done Right via Static JSON & Dynamic Javascript
PhotoFloat is a new open source web photo gallery aimed at sleekness
and speed. It keeps with an old hat mentality, preferring to work over
directory structures rather than esoteric photo database management
software. Everything it generates is static, which means it's extremely
toolkit for software and hardware integration testing
PlainBox is a toolkit consisting of python3 library, development tools,
documentation and examples. It is targeted at developers working on testing or
certification applications and authors creating tests for such applications.
Enhanced KIC layout editor
This is an interactive graphical editor for drawing patterns used to generate
photomasks for lithography (production of integrated circuits).
plasma widget for running commands
Chiptune tracker
This is an application for creating music reminiscent of the style of music
from 8-bit computers or, chiptunes. It features a "tracker" style sequencer,
and a built-in synthesizer capable of a wide range sounds - including but not
limited to basic subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation and sample
playback. Sounds can be easily beefed up by using the effect chain. It is
possbile to import a handful of file formats, including Protracker .MOD,
Fasttracker 2 .XM, the Cave Story music format (.ORG) and Rob Hubbard
Commodore 64 SID files. Tunes can be easily exported as a single mixdown .WAV
or separate tracks or you can simply use the playback library to use the
klystrack files in your own games and other software.