
Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix - NVIDIA driver (Tesla 418)

These libraries provide the Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix. They provide accelerated video playback (incl. H.264) for the supported graphics cards.


Hijri Islamic Calendar converting functions for Python

Hijri Islamic Calendar converting functions, based on an enhanced algorithm designed by Muayyad Saleh Alsadi. It can be used to implement applications, gdesklets or karamba ..etc


Tools for fast, open framework for Deep Learning (CPU_ONLY)

Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley AI Research Lab (BAIR) and community contributors.


nginx configuration file macro language and preprocessor

This is a preprocessor and macro system for nginx(-like) configuration files. It can be used to do pre-processing for nginx configuration files (and other configuration files with a similar syntax). It has support for "compile-time" macro expansion and variable interpolation, which should make it less tedious to maintain large and complex configurations.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications


Lightweight RTSP/RTP streaming media server (service)

This module is designed to accept a number of sources to connect and transmit audio and video streams. Clients can connect and send RTSP commands to receive RTP data.