
module to assert that code does not cause growth in memory usage

Test::MemoryGrowth provides a function to check that a given block of code does not result in the process consuming extra memory once it has finished. Despite the name of this module it does not, in the strictest sense of the word, test for a memory leak: that term is specifically applied to cases where memory has been allocated but all record of it has been lost, so it cannot possibly be reclaimed. While the method employed by this module can detect such bugs, it can also detect cases where memory is still referenced and reachable, but the usage has grown more than would be expected or necessary.


Cloud client utilities for the integration of Barman in PostgreSQL clusters

Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager) is an open-source administration tool for disaster recovery of PostgreSQL servers written in Python.


BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework (32bit,pthread)

BLIS is a portable software framework for instantiating high-performance BLAS-like dense linear algebra libraries. The framework was designed to isolate essential kernels of computation that, when optimized, immediately enable optimized implementations of most of its commonly used and computationally intensive operations. BLIS is written in ISO C99 and available under a new/modified/3-clause BSD license. While BLIS exports a new BLAS-like API, it also includes a BLAS compatibility layer which gives application developers access to BLIS implementations via traditional BLAS routine calls. An object-based API is also available for more experienced users.


Runtime library for GNU Go applications

Library needed for GNU Go applications linked against the shared library.


GNU Standard C++ Library v3 (development files) (mipsr6el)


Lightweight RTSP/RTP streaming media server (service)

This module is designed to accept a number of sources to connect and transmit audio and video streams. Clients can connect and send RTSP commands to receive RTP data.