
WSGI adapter for aiohttp (Python 3)

WSGI adapter for aiohttp.


runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


Perlin noise for image generation

Perlin noise is ubiquitous in modern CGI. Used for procedural texturing, animation, and enhancing realism, Perlin noise has been called the "salt" of procedural content. Perlin noise is a type of gradient noise, smoothly interpolating across a pseudo-random matrix of values.


simple toolset for broadcasting live audio

It sends and receives encoded audio over IP networks, via a soundcard or audio interface. It can be used for point-to-point audio links or multicast, eg. private transmitter links for a radio station or other live audio distribution. In contrast to traditional streaming, high quality wideband audio (such as music) can be sent with low-latency, typically as low as a few milliseconds, and incredibly fast recovery from dropouts.