
Chinese Calendar Library in Pure Python (Python3 version)

This library performs date conversion between the Gregorian Solar Calendar (SC) and the Chinese Lunar Calendar (LC). Given a date in either calendar, it also outputs the corresponding "shengxiao" animal of the year) and "ganzhi" characters. The date range currently covered is from about 1900 A.D. to 2049 A.D.


WebSub publisher library for PHP

PHP library implementing a WebSub (formerly PubSubHubbub) publisher. Connects to a hub and publishes updates for a topic URL. A custom HTTP function may be provided for posting to the hub.


Implementation of the Actor Model in C++, I/O library


C++ library to handle biological short sequence data


libraries from the radare2 suite


first class type families for Haskell; profiling libraries

This library provides support for first class type families in Haskell. This permits constructors for type families to be passed to higher order first class type families, and eval-style defunctionalization.