
Python packaging Common Tasks

Utility package that includes:


Collective communications library (shared object)

Gloo is a collective communications library. It comes with a number of collective algorithms useful for machine learning applications. These include a barrier, broadcast, and allreduce.


NVIDIA CUDA 32-bit runtime library (Tesla 418 version)


MQTT modules for the Kamailio SIP Server

Kamailio is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3261) server. Written entirely in C, Kamailio can handle thousands calls per second even on low-budget hardware.


analyzing Drop-seq data (testdata)

This software provide for core computational analysis of Drop-seq data, which shows you how to transform raw sequence data into an expression measurement for each gene in each individual cell.


GNU Ada compiler for MinGW-w64, Win32/POSIX

MinGW-w64 provides a development and runtime environment for 32- and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Windows applications using the Windows API and the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc).