
shared-memory Sparse BLAS library using the RSB matrix format (tools)

This is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. It provides the most common operations necessary to iterative solvers, like matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especially well suited for symmetric and transposed multiplication variants.


Direct linear systems solver - Scotch-version shared libraries


Python 3 bindings for 64-bit SLEPc libraries (complex numbers)

SLEPc is the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations.


Pure-Ruby Growl Notifier

A pure-ruby growl notifier for UDP and GNTP growl protocols. ruby-growl allows you to perform Growl notifications from machines without growl installed (for example, non-OSX machines).


Emacs StartUp Profiler

This package profiles your Emacs startup time by examining all top-level S-expressions (sexps). It starts a new Emacs process from Emacs to profile each sexp. After the profiled Emacs is complete, it will exit and your Emacs will display the results.


GNU Ada compiler for MinGW-w64, Win32/Win32

MinGW-w64 provides a development and runtime environment for 32- and 64-bit (x86 and x64) Windows applications using the Windows API and the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc).