
Ada binding for ReadLine input history (runtime)

The GNAT Component Collection deals with: module tracing, efficient file IO, static string searching (Boyer-Moore), e-mails and mailboxes, Ravenscar tasking profiles, storage pools, JSON, logging, shell scripting. Components relying on external dependencies are distributed in separate packages.


clustered file-system (cli package)

GlusterFS is a clustered file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes. It aggregates various storage bricks over Infiniband RDMA or TCP/IP interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is one of the most sophisticated file system in terms of features and extensibility. It borrows a powerful concept called Translators from GNU Hurd kernel. Much of the code in GlusterFS is in userspace and easily manageable.


Tool to format C/C++/Obj-C code

Clang-format is both a library and a stand-alone tool with the goal of automatically reformatting C++ sources files according to configurable style guides. To do so, clang-format uses Clang's Lexer to transform an input file into a token stream and then changes all the whitespace around those tokens. The goal is for clang-format to both serve both as a user tool (ideally with powerful IDE integrations) and part of other refactoring tools, e.g. to do a reformatting of all the lines changed during a renaming.


GAP HAPcryst - A HAP extension for crystallographic groups

GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more.


GNU TLS library - C++ runtime library

GnuTLS is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security (TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS 1.0, 1.2) protocols.


SOCKS library for packages built using libsocksd-dev

Dante is a circuit-level firewall/proxy that can be used to provide convenient and secure network connectivity to a wide range of hosts while requiring only the server Dante runs on to have external network connectivity.