
runtime for applications compiled with GNAT (shared library)

GNAT is a compiler for the Ada programming language. It produces optimized code on platforms supported by the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC).


Task scheduler for heterogeneous multicore machines

StarPU is a runtime system that offers support for heterogeneous multicore machines. While many efforts are devoted to design efficient computation kernels for those architectures (e.g. to implement BLAS kernels on GPUs or on Cell's SPUs), StarPU not only takes care of offloading such kernels (and implementing data coherency across the machine), but it also makes sure the kernels are executed as efficiently as possible.


GNU Modula-2 standard library (runtime library)

This is the GNU Modula-2 standard library that comes with the gm2 compiler.


userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library

This data synchronization library provides read-side access which scales linearly with the number of cores. It does so by allowing multiples copies of a given data structure to live at the same time, and by monitoring the data structure accesses to detect grace periods after which memory reclamation is possible.


Javascript library to position poppers in web applications

A popper is an element on the screen which "pops out" from the natural flow of your application.


Easy monkey-patching for node.js unit tests

rewire adds a special setter and getter to modules making it possible to modify their behaviour for better unit testing. It provides functionality for