
Simple Asterisk Manager Interface client (Perl module)

Telephony::Asterisk::AMI is a simple client for the Asterisk Manager Interface. It's better documented and less buggy than Asterisk::Manager, and has fewer prerequisites than Asterisk::AMI. It uses IO::Socket::IP, so it should support either IPv4 or IPv6.


entropy measurement of byte streams

This package provides a tool to calculate the Shannon index (H) of the bytes in a file.


Debian Policy Manual and related documents (Japanese)

This package contains translations into Japanese of some of the documents distributed in the debian-policy package. Currently only the HTML output format is available.


perl wrapper around libtermkey

Term::TermKey provides a light perl wrapper around the libtermkey library. Term::TermKey attempts to provide an abstract way to read keypress events in terminal-based programs by providing structures that describe keys, rather than simply returning raw bytes as read from the TTY device.


JVM agent tracking memory allocations

Java Allocation Instrumenter is a Java agent written using the java.lang.instrument API. Each allocation in your Java program is instrumented; a user-defined callback is invoked on each allocation.


framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries

This is LAZR smtptest, a framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries. It provides a real, live SMTP server that you can send messages to, and from which you can read those test messages. This can be used to ensure proper operation of your applications which send email.