
German Debian Edu KDE desktop applications

This task localises the KDE desktop in German.


CASA basic mathematical modules


Edubuntu server (common dependencies and scripts for containers)


Java (JNI) bindings for radare2


thread-safe conveyor belt for any data-structure

The Thread::Conveyor object is a thread-safe data structure that mimics the behaviour of a conveyor belt. One or more worker threads can put boxes with frozen values and references on one end of the belt to be taken off by one or more worker threads on the other end of the belt to be thawed and returned.


Bootswatch XStatic support - Python 2.7

XStatic is a Python web development tool for handling required static data files from external projects, such as CSS, images, and JavaScript. It provides a lightweight infrastructure to manage them via Python modules that your app can depend on in a portable, virtualenv-friendly way instead of using embedded copies.