
sparse QR factorization library


QGIS - shared app library


Qt 5 Quick Shapes module

Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.


Robot OS laser geometry package - Python 3 bindings

This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to account for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners.


Robot OS Python 3 bindings for QT

This package is part of Robot OS (ROS). It provides Python bindings for Qt. There are two providers: pyside and pyqt. PySide is released under the LGPL. PyQt is released under the GPL.


universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - library