
GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support)


debhelper add-on to simplify Perl 6 package building

dh-perl6 provides a debhelper add-on called 'perl6'. This simplifies common steps of Perl 6 package building, like postinst and postrm scripts and communicating module dependencies to the rakudo install helpers.


command line handling of JPL ephemeres data

The position of asteroids and other moving stellar objects on the sky at different time points is described as ephemeris. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is known for a respective database. This package offers tools to handle individual data sets.


CLI utility for the Blosc metacompressor


Qt serialbus serial bus access HTML documentation

Qt serialbus module provides Qt module for general purpose serial bus access. Support for CAN and potentially other serial buses.


NVIDIA CUINJ Library (64-bit)