
Eclipse Team Support Core

The Team component is responsible for providing repository tooling integration into Eclipse and a universal compare facility for use by repository tooling and others.


Akonadi search library - debug symbols


Pythonic logger module (Python 3)

Twiggy is a Pythonic logging library. It uses new-style format strings by default, uses loose coupling between loggers and outputs for configuration and supports asynchronous logging using the multiprocessing module which makes logging basically free.


PostgreSQL Extension Whitelisting


KDE PIM Mime Tree parser library

This library implements a parser for the mime tree used by KMail.


user-extensible heap manager for heterogeneous memory platforms

The memkind library is a user extensible heap manager built on top of jemalloc which enables control of memory characteristics and a partitioning of the heap between kinds of memory. While arbitrary user control is possible, built-in characteristics include NUMA and page size.