
GNU Objective-C++ compiler


server backend for the Circle IRC client

Circle is an IRC client which merges the best attributes of a local client and the common screen+irssi recipe:


client for Function as a Service for OpenStack - Python 3.x

Qinling (is pronounced "tʃinliŋ") refers to Qinling Mountains in southern Shaanxi Province in China. The mountains provide a natural boundary between North and South China and support a huge variety of plant and wildlife, some of which is found nowhere else on Earth.


Orocos Bayesian Filtering Library

Orocos (http://www.orocos.org) is the acronym of the Open Robot Control Software project. The project's aim is to develop a general-purpose, free software, and modular framework for robot and machine control. The Orocos project supports 4 C++ libraries: the Real-Time Toolkit, the Kinematics and Dynamics Library, the Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL) and the Orocos Component Library.


GNU R infrastructure for ordering objects using seriation

Infrastructure for seriation with an implementation of several seriation/sequencing techniques to reorder matrices, dissimilarity matrices, and dendrograms. Also provides (optimally) reordered heatmaps, color images and clustering visualizations like dissimilarity plots, and visual assessment of cluster tendency plots (VAT and iVAT).


parser/mangler/compressor for ES6+ - browser library

Terser is a parser, mangler, optimizer and beautifier toolkit for ECMAScript 2015 and newer (ES6+).