helper functions for pytest
The package provides fixtures and decorators for Pytest, making it easier
configure test environments and parameterize tests. The module also enables
specific utilities for regression testing and Pytest Decorators for selective
test execution.
Enumerate and find Bluetooth Adapters in Python
Provides tools for enumerating and identifying available Bluetooth adapters.
Facilitates the detection and interaction with various Bluetooth adapters,
aiding in the development of applications requiring Bluetooth communication.
Open Virtual Network interconnection controller
OVN IC, the Open Virtual Network interconnection controller, is a
centralized daemon which communicates with global interconnection
databases to configure and exchange data with local OVN databases for
interconnection with other OVN deployments.
libraries for the PipeWire multimedia server
PipeWire is a server and user space API to deal with multimedia
pipelines. This includes:
MATLAB MAT File I/O Library - shared library
matio is a C library for reading and writing MATLAB MAT files.
Improvement to Python's kwargs
Chocolate is a Python package that improves Python's