
set of PostgreSQL functions to manage blocks in memory

Those functions let you know which and how many disk block from a relation are in the page cache of the operating system, and eventually write the result to a file. Then using this file, it is possible to restore the page cache state for each block of the relation.


SafetyNet attestation response verification

A Ruby library to verify SafetyNet attestation statements from Google Play Services on your server.


VTK examples

The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.


multicorn extension for Postgres 13 to write FDWs with python3

Multicorn is a PostgreSQL extension meant to make Foreign Data Wrapper development easy, by allowing the programmer to use the Python programming language


Check if a project is using Yarn

Useful to know whether to use yarn or npm to install dependencies. This library is a dependency for ava, a futuristic test runner.


library of C programs for computer algebra (shared library)

SACLIB is a library of C programs for computer algebra derived from the SAC2 system. It includes algorithms for list processing, arithmetic of integers, rational numbers, and polynomials, modular arithmetic, linear algebra, and more.