
Solaris userland utility library for Linux

This library provides a variety of glue functions for ZFS on Linux: * libspl: The Solaris Porting Layer userland library, which provides APIs that make it possible to run Solaris user code in a Linux environment with relatively minimal modification. * libavl: The Adelson-Velskii Landis balanced binary tree manipulation library. * libefi: The Extensible Firmware Interface library for GUID disk partitioning. * libshare: NFS, SMB, and iSCSI service integration for ZFS.


Nodejs parser and stringifier for YAML standard

yaml is a JavaScript parser and stringifier for YAML, a human friendly data serialization standard. It supports both parsing and stringifying data using all versions of YAML, along with all common data schemas. As a particularly distinguishing feature, yaml fully supports reading and writing comments and blank lines in YAML documents.


Tools for displaying QR codes on your Django site

This is an application that provides tools for displaying QR codes on your Django site.


simple Python interface for HTTP(s) requests over Tor (Python 3)

The package contains a simple Python interface for HTTP(s) requests over Tor. It's basically a wrapper around Stem and Requests libraries.


GiNaC symbolic framework runtime library

GiNaC (which stands for "GiNaC is Not a CAS (Computer Algebra System)") is a library for doing symbolic (i.e. non-numeric) computation directly in the C++ programming language.


Show storage structure of varlena datatypes in PostgreSQL

This PostgreSQL extension exposes the internal storage structure of variable-length datatypes, called varlena.