
Top-down proteoform identification and characterization (programs)

The TopPIC Suite consists of four software tools for the interpretation of top-down mass spectrometry data: TopFD, TopPIC, TopMG, and TopDiff.


Qt/QML module for Lomiri specific Mir APIs

QtMir is a set of Qt5 components to enable one to write a Mir server with Qt. It contains a QPA (Qt Platform Abstraction) plugin which creates and manages a Mir server. It also exposes some internal Mir functionality.


access Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies (library)

The m4api is a tool for monitoring and configuring Mini-Box M4-ATX power supplies.


generic graph components and algorithms in C++

This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.


set of PostgreSQL functions to manage blocks in memory

Those functions let you know which and how many disk block from a relation are in the page cache of the operating system, and eventually write the result to a file. Then using this file, it is possible to restore the page cache state for each block of the relation.


VTK examples

The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.