Graphical audio CD ripper and encoder


Graphical audio CD ripper and encoder

Can be used to save tracks from Audio CDs. Main features: * Supports WAV, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, and Wavpack audio files * Uses CDDB to name and tag each track * Can encode to multiple formats in one session * Creates M3U playlists * Allows for each track to be by a different artist * Does not require a specific desktop environment (just Gtk3)
vector font similar to ROM font of Amiga Workbench


vector font similar to ROM font of Amiga Workbench

Inspired by the article Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC) by Norbert Landsteiner, these fonts were reworked on some old pixel versions of the Commodore 64 and Amiga Workbench. The author had done years ago to include variable font axes for the size of the horizontal scanlines and the amount of horizontal bleed of the pixels due to the phosphor latency found in CRT displays.
vector font similar to ROM font of Commodore 64


vector font similar to ROM font of Commodore 64

Inspired by the article Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC) by Norbert Landsteiner, these fonts were reworked on some old pixel versions of the Commodore 64 and Amiga Workbench. The author had done years ago to include variable font axes for the size of the horizontal scanlines and the amount of horizontal bleed of the pixels due to the phosphor latency found in CRT displays.
collection of helper programs and a helper library for ledger


collection of helper programs and a helper library for ledger

This is a collection of small single-purpose programs to aid your accounting with ledger. Think of it as the batteries that were never included with ledger. What can you do with these programs:
Generic satellite data processing software


Generic satellite data processing software

It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary stages to get from satellite transmission to actual products. Features: * Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF, LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc. * Recording of radio basebands from your SDR * Decoding and processing the data from over 90 different satellites and even space probes. * Live decoding of supported satellite links such as APT, LRPT, HRPT, LRIT, HRIT and many more. * Image and data decoding from satellites such as NOAA 15-18-19, Meteor-M, GOES, Elektro-L, Metop, FengYun, etc. * Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites, such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. ready to use for scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts. * Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including layering with other instruments or satellites. * Inmarsat Aero and STD-C EGC messages decoding. * Scheduler and rotator control for automated satellite stations. * Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception.
Curses ICB and IRC client


Curses ICB and IRC client

Swirc is a BSD licensed, console based and lightweight ICB and IRC client written in C/C++, whose goals are to be portable and secure.