read your RSS feeds from your terminal


read your RSS feeds from your terminal

Terminews is a terminal based application (TUI) that allows you to manage RSS resources and display their news feeds.
Live Video Mixer


Live Video Mixer

This performs graphical mixing and blending of several movie clips and computer generated graphics, with image processing effects in real-time.
Input device button mapping tool (GUI)


Input device button mapping tool (GUI)

input-remapper allows users to map buttons on all input devices (keyboards, mice, gamepads...) in X11 and Wayland. It also supports combined buttons and programmable macros.
interactive login tools


interactive login tools

Tools commonly found on systems where humans login interactively, or are needed with non-standard system configurations.
SMS/MMS application for Plasma Mobile


SMS/MMS application for Plasma Mobile

Spacebar is an SMS/MMS application that primarily targets Plasma Mobile. It depends on Qt and few KDE Frameworks (Kirigami2, KI18n, KPeople, and ModemManagerQt).
Qt6 Configuration Tool


Qt6 Configuration Tool

Allows users to configure Qt6 settings (theme, font, icons, etc.) under DE/WM without Qt integration.