GNU/Linux interactive application firewall
Whenever a program makes a connection, it'll prompt the user to allow or deny
check DFSG compliance of installed packages
This program will analyze the set of currently-installed packages on a
Debian-based system, and report all of the packages from the non-free and
contrib trees which are currently installed.
Fast and highly configurable image viewer
This is a fast and highly configurable image viewer with a simple and nice
Generic satellite data processing software
It is a one-stop-shop that provides all the necessary
stages to get from satellite transmission to actual products.
* Support of many SDRs such as RTL-SDR, Airspy, HackRF, BladeRF,
LimeSDR, PlutoSDR, etc.
* Recording of radio basebands from your SDR
* Decoding and processing the data from over 90 different satellites
and even space probes.
* Live decoding of supported satellite links such as APT, LRPT, HRPT,
LRIT, HRIT and many more.
* Image and data decoding from satellites such as NOAA 15-18-19,
Meteor-M, GOES, Elektro-L, Metop, FengYun, etc.
* Calibrated and georefrenced L1b products output on select satellites,
such as Sea Surface Temperature, Microphysics, etc. ready to use for
scientific applications such as numerical weather forecasts.
* Support for projecting the satellite imagery over a map, including
layering with other instruments or satellites.
* Inmarsat Aero and STD-C EGC messages decoding.
* Scheduler and rotator control for automated satellite stations.
* Ingestor for automated geostationary weather satellites reception.
model building program for macromolecular crystallography
This is a program for constructing atomic models of macromolecules
from x-ray diffraction data. Coot displays electron density maps and
molecular models and allows model manipulations such as idealization,
refinement, manual rotation/translation, rigid-body fitting, ligand
search, solvation, mutations, rotamers. Validation tools such as
Ramachandran and geometry plots are available to the user. This
package provides a Coot build with embedded Python support.
scripts and C programs to support Sxmo
Sxmo is a minimalist environment for Linux mobile devices, such as the