Viewer of 3D models in ASCII


Viewer of 3D models in ASCII

This is a 3d object file viewer for the console/terminal. Wavefront OBJ, and STL file formats are supported.
syntax highlighting for nftables configuration files


syntax highlighting for nftables configuration files

The vim-nftables package provides filetype detection and syntax highlighting for nftables configuration files.
Shared library for the final cut widget toolkit


Shared library for the final cut widget toolkit

This is a class library and widget toolkit with full mouse support for creating a text-based user interface. The library supports the programmer to develop an application for the text console. It allows the simultaneous handling of multiple windows on the screen.
versatile ASCII and ANSI Art text editor for drawing in terminal


versatile ASCII and ANSI Art text editor for drawing in terminal

This is an ASCII, Unicode and ANSI art editor for UNIX-like systems (Linux, macOS, etc). It runs in modern Utf-8 terminals and supports frame-based animation, custom themes, 256 and 16 color modes, terminal mouse input, DOS ANSI art viewing, CP437 and Unicode mixing and conversion, HTML output, mIRC color output, and other interesting features.
Web browser for Plasma Mobile


Web browser for Plasma Mobile

This is a webbrowser designed to - be used on small mobile devices, - integrate well in Plasma workspaces
Mind boggling (brain twisting) game of logic


Mind boggling (brain twisting) game of logic

Blupi comes out of a hole holding on to a balloon. Unfortunately he let's it blow away. Blupi is lost, he turns to the left or the right and does various unpredictable things of his own. The object of the game is to help him find another balloon, so that he can move on to the next riddle.