Unified Font Object (UFO) fonts library
ufoLib2 reads and writes Unified Font Object (UFO) files.
UFO is a file format that stores fonts source files.
Unified Font Object (UFO) reader and writer
Python library to normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO
This tool normalizes the XML and other data inside of a UFO (Unified
Font Object) file.
Miao (Pollard) fonts
The Shimenkan family of fonts supports the broad variety of writing systems
that use the Miao (Pollard) script.
Python bindings for libgraphite2
Graphite is a system that can be used to create and use "smart fonts" capable
of displaying writing systems with various complex behaviors, such as:
contextual shaping, ligatures, reordering, split glyphs, bidirectionality,
stacking diacritics and complex positioning.
Heat map charting library for Java
The JHeatChart library provides a simple API for generating Java heat maps.
Output heat maps as .png, .jpg or .gif images. Generate Image objects for
further processing. Show generated Image in a Swing JPanel. Fully customisable
colours, dimensions, fonts etc. Linear, logarithmic and exponential
colour scales.