
Library for interfacing with the OpenTherm Gateway

This library provides a means to interface with the OpenTherm Gateway over serial or network connections. It enables communication with boilers and thermostats for executing and receiving commands and status updates. Functions include setting control setpoints, managing hot water override options, and configuring GPIO pins. Through this library, one can obtain comprehensive status information from the connected devices, selecting specific data points like temperatures, pressure, and operational statuses. The library supports both reading and writing operations to control connected heating systems effectively.


Pytest plugin that adds emojis to your test result report (Python 3)

Pytest is a mature testing framework for Python that is developed by a thriving community of volunteers.


library for parental control of applications - GTK widgets and dialogs

malcontent implements support for restricting the type of content accessible to non-administrator accounts on a Linux system. Typically, when this is used, a non-administrator account will be for a child using the system; and the administrator accounts will be for the parents; and the content being filtered will be apps which are not suitable for the child to use, due to (for example) being too violent.


jaraco contextlib extensions

Various context managers extending functionality of Python's contextlib, mostly needed as a dependency of other projects involving the same upstream developer.


Alternative to git-submodule(1) and git-subtree(1)

git-subrepo allows embedding and managing copies of other git repositories in your repo for purposes such as vendoring.


GAP ANUPQ - ANU p-Quotient

GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more.