
class library for qtdbus

KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus, as well as an API to create KDED modules.


provides integration of QML and KDE frameworks -- calendarevents

Framework providing integration of QML and other KDE frameworks such as making i18n available.


provides integration of QML and KDE frameworks - draganddrop

Provides QML draganddrop functionality.


provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks - graphicaleffects

This import contains KDE extras that are visually similar to Qt Quick Controls.


provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks - kquickcontrolsaddons

This import contains KDE extras that are visually similar to Qt Quick Controls.


Abstraction to system DNSSD features

KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services.