
Python 3 module for linting CMake files in ROS 2 ament packages

The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2. This package provides the Python 3 module for linting CMake files in ament.


copy of the `imp` module that was removed in Python 3.12

# zombie-imp


Core library for the anymarkup Python package

This is the core library that implements functionality of the anymarkup package. This package can be installed if one wants to use a subset of the anymarkup parsers.


low-level Git library

libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git distributed version control system core methods provided as a re-entrant link-able library with a solid API.


on-demand confetti gun

canvas-confetti is a performant confetti animation in the browser. This module helps users customize confetti effects.


Hatch plugin for versioning from VCS

This provides a plugin for Hatch that uses your preferred version control system (like Git) to determine project versions.