
Data Plane Development Kit (librte-raw-skeleton runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-regex-cn9k runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


Data Plane Development Kit (librte-ring runtime library)

DPDK is a set of libraries for fast packet processing. Applications run in user-space and communicate directly with dedicated network interfaces.


GNU's framework for secure peer-to-peer networking (libraries)

GNUnet is a framework for secure peer-to-peer networking that does not use any centralized or otherwise trusted services. Its high-level goal is to provide a strong free software foundation for a global network that provides security and in particular respects privacy.


libdecor decoration plugin using GTK

libdecor is a library that can help Wayland clients draw window decorations for them. It aims to provide multiple backends that implements the decoration drawing.


Grid mapping service without GSI

The Local Centre MAPping Service (LCMAPS) is a security middleware component that processes the users Grid credentials (typically X.509 proxy certificates and VOMS attributes) and maps the user to a local account based on the site local policy.