NVIDIA System Management Interface (Tesla 535 version)
The NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) provides a monitoring and management API.
The application "nvidia-smi" is the NVIDIA System Management Interface (NVSMI)
and provides a command line interface to this functionality.
command-line tool to delete merged git branches (Python module)
A convenient command-line tool helping you keep repositories clean.
Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix - NVIDIA driver (Tesla 535)
These libraries provide the Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix.
They provide accelerated video playback (incl. H.264) for the supported
graphics cards.
Plasma EPub Reader
An ebook reader and library management app supporting ".epub" files.
Arianna discovers your books automatically, and sorts them by categories,
genres and authors.
file difference viewer - kpart interface component
Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the
contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch
file difference viewer - kpart interface library
Kompare displays the differences between files. It can compare the
contents of files or directories, as well as create, display, and merge patch