
low level ANSI escape code parser

node-anser provides a JavaScript function that is able to parse ANSI escape sequences in text.


Tryton application platform - sale discount module

Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth).


Tryton application platform - purchase secondary unit module

Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth).


Tryton application platform - purchase price list module

Tryton is a high-level general purpose application platform. It is the base of a complete business solution as well as a comprehensive health and hospital information system (GNUHealth).


Python interpreter linked without PIE (version 3.10)

This package contains the interpreter not built as position independent executable. This interpreter is diverting the python3.10 executable, and making the interpreter built with PIE available as python3.10-pie.


GNU/Linux interactive application firewall GUI

opensnitch-ui is a GUI for opensnitch written in Python. It allows the user to view live outgoing connections, as well as search for details of the intercepted connections.