gnuradio SoapySDR support
Soapy hardware drivers using the SoapySDR driver framework.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
CrowdSec bouncer for firewalls
This package uses the CrowdSec API to implement decisions at the firewall
level via blocklists. It supports both nftables and iptables+ipset (IPv4
and IPv6).
CMake build system for ROS 2 ament packages (cppcheck)
The ament build system is the most common way to build packages for ROS 2.
ament_cmake provides the necessary tooling to build ament packages with CMake.
Git/GitHub helper script
SugarJar is inspired by arcanist, and its replacement at Meta, JellyFish.
Many of the features they provide for the Phabricator workflow this aims to
bring to the GitHub workflow.
gnuradio Qt graphical user interface functions
QT-based graphical sinks for gnuradio applications.
Implements opengl, raster and native plotting methods, and
supports a QT Style Sheet (QSS) file to adjust the look.
Part of the main gnuradio build.
Google's Android SDK Platform 30 Installer
This package will download the Google's Android SDK Platform 30 package and
unpacks it into Debian-friendly paths.