Hershey vector fonts shared library
The Hershey fonts are a collection of vector fonts developed circa 1967
by Dr. A. V. Hershey.
Monlam truetype Tibetan fonts
This package includes set of Monlam truetype Tibetan fonts by
Lobsang Monlam.
Perl library for generating postscript files
PostScript::Simple allows you to have a simple method of writing
PostScript files from Perl. It has several graphics primitives that
allow lines, circles, polygons and boxes to be drawn. Text can be
added to the page using standard PostScript fonts.
icons made for smaller graphic
GLYPHICONS is a family of icon fonts
created with an emphasis to simplicity and easy orientation.
handwriting-based font for Latin characters (transitional dummy package)
Fast, simple and flexible GUI - shared library
MyGUI is a GUI library which aims to be fast, flexible and simple GUIs in C++.
Features include
Layout Editor.
Multicolour text.
Per pixel cut.
Changing alpha support for widgets (also in states configuration).
Interface localisation.
Fast RTTI for safe casts.
Tool tips.
Animated cursors and pictures.
User xml resources.
Truetype fonts and fonts from texture.
Widgets controllers (moving, fading and so on).
Flexible configuration in xml config file.
Subskins with tiling, with direct access to texture.
Possibility to store any data in widgets items.
Skin themes.
Wrappers for fast UI development.