Debian EzGo Games
The EzGo is a LiveCD created by OSS Application Consulting
Centre(OSSACC) which is a Ministry of Education Taiwan funded project,
and it's executive by the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan(SLAT).
Italian sound files for GCompris
GCompris is a collection of educational games for small children.
Minetest mod providing basic materials and items
This game extension provides various materials (different metals,
plastic) and items (wires, strips, ingots, chainlinks, gears, padlocks,
standalone server for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a military- and occult-themed first-person
shooter game in a Second World War setting, originally released in 2001.
It is a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D, which is also available for Debian
(in the wolf4sdl package).
multiplayer network server for Wesnoth (branch 1.12)
This package contains the multiplayer network server for Wesnoth. You need it
if you want to host multiplayer games on your computer and don't want to use
the official servers.
XMMS2 - gme plug-in
XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS music player. It features a client-server
model, allowing multiple (even simultaneous!) user interfaces, both textual
and graphical. All common audio formats are supported using plug-ins. On top of
this, there is a flexible media library to organize your music.