Graphically display network speed and usage


Graphically display network speed and usage

qnetload shows a simple graphical display with constantly updating network speed and usage.


contains the ReportLab accelerator module

rl_renderPM is a package containing the ReportLab accelerator module _renderPM which can be used to speedup the functions.


Display images in the terminal with Python

term-image is a library and program to display images on compatible terminals.


UKUI control center contains configuration applets for the UKUI desktop

allowing to set accessibility configuration, desktop fonts, keyboard and mouse properties, sound setup, desktop theme and background, user interface properties, screen resolution, and other UKUI parameters.


imaging library designed for AfterStep - runtime files

libAfterImage is the imaging library implemented for AfterStep X Window Manager. It has been generalized to be suitable for any application in need of robust graphics engine.


ttf addon for the Allegro 5 library

This package provides the ttf addon for the Allegro 5 library. This addon allows you to load and use ttf fonts in your Allegro 5 programs.